张庆方律师实名举报江苏纪委内的反党集团 | A Report Against the Anti-Party Group

7/11/20243 min read


Jiangsu Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection:


I am Zhang Qingfang, a lawyer from Beijing Handing United Law Firm, representing Qian Cheng in the corruption case currently under second trial at the Huai'an Intermediate People's Court. I have come to understand that the head of Qian Cheng's special task force, Zhang Bin, the director of the second division of your commission, along with the deputy director Xiang Huasheng, director He Yanpeng, and others from Lianshui Discipline Inspection including Yan Xue, Huang Zaiqian, Wu Xiurong, Zhou Zhou, are involved in creating political rumors, attempting to split the party, and framing former national leaders and their relatives, and slandering current leaders.


Since November 2022, when the Qian Cheng case was transferred to the Lianshui Discipline Inspection, Xiang Huasheng and He Yanpeng from the provincial commission communicated Zhang Bin's instructions to Qian Cheng: This case has no political significance unless it exposes Jiang Hongxi's greed and ambition, and his collusion with Qian Cheng in bribing officials like Li Keming and Hu Jindong to gain promotions and solve problems through bribes. Following Zhang Bin's explicit orders, under the direction of Xiang Huasheng and He Yanpeng, personnel like Huang Zaiqian from the Lianshui Discipline Inspection coerced Qian Cheng into admitting that the former general manager of Jiangsu Tobacco, Jiang Hongxi, gave Li Yuanchao 30 million euros, Li Keming 20 million euros, and Hu Jindong 71 million yuan through the powers of Hu Jintao and Li Keqiang to facilitate Jiang's promotions and problem resolutions.


In February 2023, during an interrogation at the Lianshui Public Security Bureau's case handling center, Xiang Huasheng said: The current leader is determined to combat the Jiang-Hu faction and level political hills, taking an irreversible path. Since he has this ambition, let's just cooperate, it's also beneficial for us. I've been in the prosecution for over twenty years without much achievement, and now in the discipline inspection, who isn't afraid of us? Xiang Huasheng and He Yanpeng repeatedly told Qian Cheng that after the 2023 Spring Festival, the leader made a speech at the full meeting of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, demanding the arrest of political brokers. Jiangsu's discipline inspection hasn't completed this task yet; you must play the role of a tainted witness. Just follow the discipline inspection's demands and expose Li Yuanchao, Li Keming, Hu Jindong, and Shen Yueyue; how could these people with lax family discipline, including Hu Jintao, Li Yuanchao, and Li Keqiang, escape? We will release you immediately.


Xiang Huasheng and others have no respect for the discipline inspection authorities or their work. In the interrogation room, Xiang Huasheng and He Yanpeng revealed scandalous information about the case leader Zhang Bin. Huang Zaiqian and Yan Xue said we are like the Eastern and Western Factories, but Zhou Zhou corrected them, saying it's incorrect; the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection is the Eastern and Western Factories, we are like the Imperial Guard; the Eastern and Western Factories are eunuchs, those chose to the emperor.


Yan Xue told Qian Cheng: THE leader is like the second Lee Teng-hui; Lee Teng-hui led to the Kuomintang's loss of power. THE leader's siblings have billions in foreign banks, which the United States knows about; the U.S. will soon confront him, he has no support in China, and can only surrender, changing China's colors.


In summary, the aforementioned individuals have slandered the highest leader, framed former leaders, and maligned the current leader, constituting clear anti-party actions. However, Qian Cheng's family publicized these details online in the form of a self-statement by Qian Cheng in April this year, and now the entire nation is aware. Yet, the Jiangsu discipline inspection system has turned a deaf ear. By covering for Zhang Bin and Xiang Huasheng, are you colluding with them, or being disloyal and dishonest to the highest leader, playing a double game?


Since I have discovered such severe anti-party rhetoric in my professional practice, I cannot simply overlook it. If you do not respond to or address my complaint within three days, I will not only report this to the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection but also make this complaint letter public to all society.